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Fit For Spring – on May 14th

Hcb Fruehling Fitness

Don't miss out: Our traditional sports festival "Fit for Spring" with many sporting activities for all visitors.

On May 14 our popular event "Fit for spring" will take place at the Hanse Center. This time with the following program - in excerpts:

On a surf simulator kids can train dexterity and coordination.

The Graal-Müritz road safety organization will present itself with a bicycle course, and young people and adults can try out the "intoxication goggles", which simulate impairment caused by alcohol consumption. - This demonstrates the risks and dangers of driving after alcohol consumption.

And when Rostock sports clubs and teams present themselves, it's a lot of fun to get animated, get to know something new, and maybe find just the right sports community for you.

Participating will be

  • the youth team of the Rostock American Football Team "Griffins".
  • the women of the Rostock Goalballclub Hansa e.V., the national team in Goalball. Goalball is a ball sport played by visually impaired and blind people. During the game, all players of the teams are obliged to wear opaque dark glasses - for the sake of equal opportunities. There is no comparable game for non-visually impaired athletes.
  • The kids of the Rostock Piranhas, the Rostock Ice Hockey Club e.V.

Presenter and DJ Maik accompanies the sportive event "Fit for spring" at the Hanse Center.